Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sickness among us

Poor Elias and I have been sick with a terrible cold for over a week. This stuff will not vacate the house. It all started out with a terrible sore throat and progressed to running noses, coughing and my losing my voice. Elias is currently taking a 3+ hour nap to try to recoup. Hoping this stuff soon vacates the premises!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

E.R. visit

Elias has been quite sick since last Friday. By quite sick I mean puking everyday more than once a day since last week with the exception of Monday. I took him back to urgent care for the 2nd time in the last week only to be sent over to Primary Children's for him to get further testing and an I.V. Test revealed that it was nothing more than the good ol' wonderful stomach flu. He did get quite a bit of fluids and his color seemed to go back to normal really quickly. Whatever this nasty stuff is I hope it decides to leave our house soon without infecting anyone else.